changing tides, changing colouR

Tidelight is a public art project by Chris Bodle and Tarim. It ran at Bristol’s M Shed museum between Fri 11 February and Sun 10 April 2022. The project continues online with a web page that changes colour with the tides. Click here or the ‘Live Tides’ button at the top right

Sensors out in the Bristol Channel sent real-time tide data back to the museum, where it was converted, on-the-fly, into coloured light. Low tide translated into red light, and as the water rose, the hue transitioned through shades of orange, yellow, green, and blue, all the way to deep violet at the very highest tides.

As the tides rise and fall out in the Bristol Channel...

...back in the city, a giant glowing 'lantern' changes colour in response

Infographic (below) showing how Tidelight works